A platform that streamlines the hackathon judging process for judges, organizers, and hackers.
In hosting hackathons through Devpost, I’ve noticed that it’s difficult for participants to receive quality feedback from judges. Devpost allows judges to input a score on a scale of 0-5 for each category on a project, and that’s it. While this works for some cases, it was difficult to evaluate what different judges thought made a good hackathon project.
However, moving that data out of Devpost meant we had to manually create a list of projects and insert them either into a spreadsheet, which meant that as a judge you would be looking for your name, learning a format for how things should be written, and switching between 20 different tabs to get the information you need. There had to be a better way.
HackEval is an robust judging platform created to streamline the entire judging process, including everything from gathering submissions as an organizer to simply clicking a single button as a judge to see all the details of a project so you can score it. The app even allows participants to review their own data in the system and see feedback given to their project.
HackEval is built using Node, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, HTML, and SCSS. The TypeScript backend handles user authentication, database interactions, and route management. I implemented logins using Discord OAuth to seamlessly integrate authentication with the account that participants and judges already for communication during the event. HackEval uses a Node.js runtime to serve the frontend, which renders content with Handlebars and styles it with SCSS. For each view in the app, I created a 1:1 design in Figma and replicated every bit of its look and feel while coding it.